Dear Parents,

The utmost necessity for living a satisfying and multi-dimensional life lies in organising ‘self’ in different ways. It may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and holistic perspective. We can understand our ‘self being’ by peeping inward and ‘living within‘; as life separated from within or inner spirit leads to ignorance. We can exceed our ignorance by opening our inner capabilities and bring out inner strength to make ourselves useful members of the society.
Education is a tool that sharpens our intellect, nurtures discerning thoughts and wisdom and illuminates our inner self.  All this happens when we get a conducive learning environment.

Emergence of UCSS SCHOOL Champawat under the benevolent patronage of Mr. Shyam Singh Karki  has contributed a new paradigm and now Champawat is experiencing  unprecedented transition with regards to the education of local children as most of the parents were in massive confusion to give Public School education to their children which they were dreaming of. With the rigorous scholastic programmes, be it academic or non academic, we develop and nurture the different facet of our children. Holistic grooming, interactive teaching methods, healthy teacher-students relationships and child centric pedagogy give wings to the students which carry them to the desired destination and make them  ready to step into the global society with dignity, honour and integrity.

Besides  imparting quality education to its students, UCSS SCHOOL is instilling and inculcating values and virtues such as honesty, trustworthiness, goodness, perseverance, piety, righteousness, sincerity, truthfulness, unity and peace, benevolence, cleanliness and hard work in its students.
I believe that our great nation is empowered, enlightened and is an enterprising nation and I wish  to make it more strong in all front by multifaceted grooming of our young ones. Of course, our moto “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” will  prove to be true when our students dream it, feel it and mean it  and eventually accomplish their aims.

As  Principal of this prestigious institution, I feel myself responsible for shaping the lives of my students through my rigorous and untiring efforts and make them useful members of the society.

Mr.Kanta Kumar Bhatt
MA B Ed, Principal